Simon Town
Simon Town consulting

Support, development, growth
07708 169 747

Simon Town consulting

Support > development > growth

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Where do I start?

What do you need or want to achieve? You could consider:
A clear future for the organisation
  • A bespoke facilitated session to create aims, objectives and targets
  • A business plan
  • A strategic plan
Finding money for your organisation or a new scheme
  • A funding search or
  • A fundraising strategy
  • Help with writing applications
Clear roles and goals

If a group/ team: a facilitated session leading to:

  • team or individual action plans
  • individual work programmes

If an individual: coaching or mentoring

Some new thinking
  • A facilitated brainstorming and creative session
  • External/independent review and evaluation with detailed options and recommendations
  • Support to develop clearer communications with staff to gain their ideas
An action plan

Provided there are already some clear aims underpinning what you want to ‘act on’, you could organise a facilitated session with staff

Review of where we are and where we want to go

Coached session or facilitated session leading to either

  • aims, objectives and targets
  • or the creation of a business plan
  • or a more simple action plan
Get more out of staff

Several options:

  • For individuals: coaching or mentoring
  • Delegation/ empowerment training for managers
  • Training needs analysis followed by appropriate training sessions
  • Communications audit – particularly where there appears to be communication issues, complex (or problems with) line management
Facility or service development
  • Options analysis
  • or, for deeper / more comprehensive analysis: Feasibility study
What can we stop doing?
  • Prioritisation process
  • Reorientation back to fundamental aims and objectives – often used in organisations where focus on fundamental principles or aims has been lost (either through passage of time, loss of key personnel or lack of strategy)
Major change in business (also known as ‘step change’)

Several options:

  • Facilitated session to quickly review possibilities
  • Feasibility study for new elements
  • Creation of business plan or a review of existing documents to assess impact
Improved communications
  • Communications audit
  • Or, more quickly: facilitated sessions for staff at which they can express their issues and identify the barriers impeding good communications leading to action plan
Solve organisational problems

Facilitated problem solving sessions using a range of different techniques such as force field analysis, decision trees

Solve personal problems


Find out how to simplify things

Process mapping session which can lead to simplified actions and to expedited process

Help staff to grow and develop
Help staff with personal issues

Offer coaching or counselling support

Do I need a business plan?

If you are an organisation (voluntary, charity, social enterprise, commercial) or you are self-employed, it’s advisable to have a clear business plan.

It doesn’t need to be long or complicated but it needs to be ‘fit for purpose’ so the more complex your organisation, your aims and activities, then the more complex the business plan is likely to be.

Why you need a business plan

  • If you want to get somewhere (or something) you need a plan of how you are going to get there (get it)
  • It’s important to assess what resources you have and to set out how and when they are best used to achieve your objectives
  • What additional resources will / might you need?
  • There may be ‘ competitors ’ or others in the same field trying to do the same or similar – are you clear about how and why you are different?
  • Who are your customers or beneficiaries – what are their needs?
  • How do you know that there is a demand or need for your organisation/ products/ services? What research have you done/ knowledge do you have?
  • How do you contact your beneficiaries/customers ? How do you ‘sell’ what you do?
  • How much does it cost to deliver your aims/ activities ? Are you sustainable / profitable?
  • What skills do you/ your organisation have and do you need more/ others?
  • What’s likely to happen in your environment in the next few years – have you thought about the implications?
  • Everyone will be clear and focussed on the most important things – knowing what you do, why you do it, how you do it and how you can do it better in the future, along with some clear targets for the future

Do I need a fundraising strategy?

If you need more money, this sets out how, where and when you might be able to get it.

Why you need a fundraising strategy

  • What do you need the money for? Is that the most important thing/s for you/ your organisation? (Refer to your business plan)
  • It will ensure you get the best out of the resources you have available – no point in spending 3 weeks to raise £50 if you can spend 3 days and get £50,000
  • A clear, coordinated focus for fundraising
  • It will set out targets – so you know at any point how you are doing
  • It will identify the full range of sources both internal and external to the organisation
  • It will say who is going to do what – a clear plan to obtain resources